With an average of 25 years’ of front-line experience at top global financial and asset management institutions, GRMA has a team of well-recognized thought leaders and practitioners in risk management.

What distinguishes GRMA from other risk service providers is that GRMA goes beyond just measuring risk: they help clients to better manage risks by fully addressing their client’s internal and external risk management challenges and needs.

For asset managers, GRMA offers clients complete and cost-effective managed services for portfolio risk measurement, risk management and all risk-related regulatory and investor reporting. Specifically, GRMA assists Asset Managers in three primary areas:

• Risk Measurement and Risk Infrastructure Services —implementation of risk software/systems. Including risk measurement, reporting, monitoring and interpretation services.

• Risk Management Services —including hedging strategies, developing limits, risk policies and procedures, and risk governance.

• Risk-based Regulatory and Investor Reporting Services —(e.g. Form PF, CPOPQR, CTA-PR, AIFMD/ESMA, OPERA)

For institutional investors, GRMA provides complete risk analysis, advisory and implementation solutions, for investment risk management in three key focus areas:

• Risk Management Framework and Governance —including enhancing Investment Policy Statements, developing risk policy guidelines and improving risk management governance.

• Risk Measurement and Reporting —developing portfolio-wide risk measurement reporting that includes both liquid and illiquid investments and performance attribution and benchmarking.

• Education and Sounding Board —providing education and training to the investment staff and the Board.


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